Should I undergo a spine surgery with needle to get relief from sciatica pain?

Almost 80% of the population will suffer from back pain at any point of their lives. At least half of them will undergo unnecessary risky and costly back surgery which will relieve them the symptoms or a period of time after which more surgery will be necessary. 

I personally was twice on the brink of having Spine surgery with needle to get relief from sciatica pain. On both the situations, I was desperate and baffled by getting advice from my friends and doctors. Only you can give answer to this question. But here is the evidence based on my personal observations and research on experts.

One of my friends had two surgeries. The second one was required as the first one didn’t work. He is now on a wheelchair due to a nerve damage caused during the second Disc laser spine surgery. Another friend had 3 surgeries and assured me that the third one felt really good. A couple of years later, after being in so much pain and in requirement for a walker to get around, he committed suicide instead of bearing the suffering. While these might be extreme situations, they indicate the aftermath of the back surgery.

Earlier this year, I started suffering from back pain again and was unable to get out of bed and walk all over the room. This incident caused a major life change during which I ignored my workout and diet schedule.  I started visiting doctor’s clinic again and became baffled with the confusing advice that comprise of pain management, epidural injections and possible Back pain cure laser spine surgery. I was desperate to consider surgery just as an option; rather I started my own research before finally undergoing the surgery.


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